To come under the contemporary abundance of diets easy confusion.
Low-carbohydrate, high-fiber, Chinese tea-diet, 2-day fast to understand cleansing diet... newbie here hard. Although, in my opinion, the diet should be simple and clear. If Yes, then all that remains is what you do – only diet stick to the plan. And very soon you will be able to see real results!

We have for you the program of the power supply, so that they are easy to follow. It is for those who:
- Quickly get rid of (in other words, fat to lose weight)
- You Retain Your Muscle Mass
Losing weight comes down to a pretty simple rule – you must consume less calories than you burn. That is all. The best way to a diet and physical exercise. So we let go of directly to the diet plan.
Because it is in a few words: eat small and balanced meals throughout the day. If it is concrete, then you should do it 3 times a day and 2 snacks in between meals. If necessary, insert a between meal. The time between meals should be 3 hours.
Diet program to lose weight
They consume the following products:
- Spinach
- Broccoli
- Green, red and yellow peppers
- Cucumber
- Apples
- Asparagus
- Cauliflower
- Green Beans
- Cabbage
- Celery
- All green leafy vegetables except iceberg lettuce
- Water
Daily eat 2-4 servings of the following products:
- Carrots
- Bananas
- Berries
- Peaches
- Plum
- Oranges
- More of those fruits you like
With each meal 100-170 grams of food in one of the following products. You can cook them on the Grill, sauté or bake. No breading and frying!
- Turkey breast
- Chicken breast
- Steak
- Pork (lean)
- Eggs (2 or 3 PCs.)
With each Snack is a portion of the following products food. During your stay on this diet, I can't consume dairy products, but if you believe in them the urgent need, then eat them during the meals:
- Almond
- Walnuts
- Cashew
- Natural peanut butter (without sugar and salt)
- Yogurt
- Low-Fat Cottage Cheese
- Skimmed milk
The following products do you eat only after your workout and only in small quantities:
- Bunting
- Brown Rice
- Legumes
- Potatoes
- Whole-grain bread and pasta
- Other products made of full-grain
The following products consume in very limited quantities or eliminate them:
- Sauces for salads
- Oil
- Cheese
Food and drinks that you should avoid completely

- Soda (tons of sugar and empty calories)
- Alcohol (empty calories and harmful products, with the goods)
- Sugar
- Fast Food
- Salad Dressing (Mayonnaise, etc.)
Sample diet plan for weight loss menu
Here is an example of how your day should look like in terms of nutrition:
- 6:00 Training
- 7:30 scrambled eggs from 2 eggs (berries, fried without oil in a frying pan with non-stick coating) with green pepper and onion, 1 Toast, a small Cup with cantaloupe and pineapple, 1 Cup of black coffee.
- 10:30 10 Almonds, 1 Apple
- 13:00 big plate of salad of spinach with cucumber and celery, chicken breast with Sauce
- 16:00 handful of walnuts, 1 orange
- 18:30 Steak cooked on the Grill, a large portion of steamed asparagus, small portion of salad from lettuce and tomatoes with a small amount of special gas stations.
- 21:00 4 bunch of celery with a small amount of natural peanut butter
A few last tips:
- With every meal drink a large glass of water
- In advance, prepare the meals for the upcoming week. I make it a rule, in the resurrection. It's a diet is much easier if you eat the same food every day.
- Keep a food diary and track your weight. You should lose about 1 kg per week. If you lose less, then you need to make a diet harder. If you lose more, then it may be necessary to add 1 meal of the day.
- Eliminate from the consumption of ready-packaged products.
Program weight for a week
In the times where I float in on the active Sport, to tell you the truth, the diet was almost impossible.
Before chocolate and other sweets could not resist (and what to hide, and now I can't without you). To recover the candy that I had to endure, after the meal, the great physical exertion in the gym.
I looked everywhere, there is a special program weight per week.
The proper diet for a week lose weight
In front of me a choice, either I'm going to the Donut, or you need to change the diet and adjust Training as a Fitness Trainer. And I am successfully conquered your body.
After a while, I had this Problem – the weight gained during pregnancy. After the birth was simply a case of weighting the surplus reset.
Now decided only according to their positive experiences, to present to all interested parties is the simplest program for the liberation of obesity: menu for weight loss and exercise program.
By the way, not to use the exercises, not necessarily device – you can also vitamins in the familiar home environment at any time, with good and high quality. The main thing here is the correct version.
Diet program to lose weight for a week
If the ration is collected in the right way – the positive result provided-it's now been 70%.
So, the diet program for a week for weight loss contains useful for the body and the figure-menu, similar to a pyramid:
- If more than 40% of the diet is vegetables (excluding sugar beet and potatoes), and fruit (no bananas and grapes); about 20% — cereals, potatoes, beets, sweet fruits and dry fruits, whole-grain bread; about 20% protein-containing products (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk-containing products); and the remaining 10% — the sweet treats, this is not very useful, but very tasty.
Menu for a week of proper nutrition
On the basis of this really make a personal diet for the day, considering the required amount of calories for the level of energy costs. For example, if on a particular day, a Fitness-Studio and a little more use of carbohydrate should products.
But for normal days calories, you should not get involved, because you legs find their place in the Form of deposits on the stomach or the upper.
Menu per day Training
Menu for weight loss in the training days:

- First Breakfast: not more than 200 grams of cereal (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, millet). Varied stuff you can fruit a little milk, fruit, dry. Allowed the minimal addition of sugar or salt, but it is better to abandon it. For the mash cheese (30 G), cottage cheese (50 G) or hard-boiled egg add fresh. You drink this court may berry tea or fruit drink (without sugar).
- Second Breakfast: absolutely every type of fruit and in addition of 30 G of nuts, or 250 ml of milk to drink.
- Lunch: vegetable soup in a weak broth or stew of steamed vegetables, vegetable, salad, slice (up to 120 G) poultry, a maximum of 2 slices of bread, a natural drinking feeling.
- Snack: a piece of cheese and bread.
- Dinner: fish, steamed or baked, Plus steamed vegetables.
- Before bed 250 ml of Kefir: a Drink. If physical exercise is planned for tomorrow, before it is recommended to eat a banana, a piece of bread and dried fruit, and after exercise drink 250 ml of green tea, eat a salad or something. A full meal is only 2 hours.
The menu for each day of the Training
Weight loss program for a week with such a menu of the day of the exercise, recognized pyramid of proper nutrition. Even the list of products can be changed, the main thing is calories not exceed.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner during the week: scrambled eggs, Porridge, cottage cheese, yogurt, and unsweetened fruit.
For lunch is not necessarily a soup, you can replace it with vegetable ragout by a piece of meat or fish. If you are on the go, you can ham a Sandwich to eat from the box-like shape with a thin disc and a salad.
In General, it is desirable to take on the work, the right food, and do not need to focus on what you don't eat fast Food or deep-fried meatballs from the dining room, like most of the colleagues. You do not pay attention to the ridicule, if available. You need to understand that with the help of such a diet, you be slim, and the body will only be grateful for healthy food.
Once started, you cannot then reject this simple and useful menus. For dinner, there are dishes made of cottage cheese, or fish, vegetables or fruit only after the heat treatment, as a "Snack" of milk products, cereals, nuts, wholemeal bread and fruit.
Drink before bedtime a glass of Kefir do not go, feast on a delicious product, but do the cleaning of the body.
A menu for weight loss is not hard to resist, the body, the main thing is to Tune it in psychological terms. And if you stay deeper, such a diet for a week, it should always be. To lose weight was effective, must be excluded from the diet of complex carbohydrates and Protein – they are important for the body.
Only the preferred low-fat meat, to plant when the chicken, without the abrasive paper, and low-fat dairy products. Completely exclude fats, it is not worth it. Once per week, the body can be discharged to the bathroom, their exercises of Yoga.
Exercises for losing weight
Weight loss programme for one week includes a series of exercises. Within a week of daily exercise you need to devote at least 20-30 minutes. Per week, physical exertion should not be less than 3 hours. To support and speed up the results – belt From Gymnnic – enhances the burning of fat.
I share your complex exercise:
- Warm-up 5 min: walk on the terrain, the gradients and twists and turns, Mahi hands, and the like;
- Squats 3 Hike. Each Approach = 50 Squats;
- Lunges in 3 passes. On each leg up to 20 times;
- Mahi feet. 3 sets of 20 times;
- exercise, scissor kicks, the Position of the body — lying on the back;
- Support from the ground (if difficult, you can with the knees). 3 sets of 10 to 15 times;
- exercise scissor hands, standing Position. Try breast straining muscles;
- Rei's hands and feet. You go on all fours, pull your stomach in. Gently tear from the bottom right-hand arm and a leg, and you drag in a straight line. Then they swap Position. 3 sets of 8-10 times for each side;
- Oblique Twist in the prone position. We have to try, the right elbow to bent left knee, and Vice versa. 3 sets of 30 times;
- Towing device.
Each exercises must not forget to drink plenty of, for the acceleration of the metabolism, what the program calculates slimming per week.
You can jog add to the exercises. If you do the exercises 3 times a week (1 hour), 30 minutes on a recommendation, and to dedicate the remaining 30 minutes of Jogging. You can program the and other aerobics.
I offered to all interested parties your personal example Workouts that I do every day, and also your diet. Compliance with this program for weight loss, for a week, I'm just going to drop 7 pounds. Agree, this is a very good result!

Only in the case of professional nutritionists, the patient can lose the amount of fat tissue. This speed of weight loss will not harm the body, is the probability that the weight is minimal.
The main thing is that if you have a program of tissue from the body out is exactly fat not muscle or water. Body to lose weight and the body at this time is not about a lack of any major part of the diet.
The whole range of slimming per week, aims at the recovery.